их сэтгэлийн өглөгтэй хүнд Өгөх юм олдохгүй шаналах зөөлөн шаналан...нэг л өглөө босоод Навчис шарлачихсан байхыг хараад тэдэнд
Талархаж амжилгүй гомдоогоод явуулчихсан юм шиг гэгэлзэн гуниглах
гань... Нэг их өндөрт нисэж байгаад унахдаа Газар биш Тэнгэр ямар Хатуу
юм бэ гэж халаглан ухаарахын зөн...энэ бүгдийг багтаасан орон зай
...навчис хамгийн тансаг өнгө өмсгөлтэй, хамгийн төгс үнэн
гоо галбиртай, хамгийн утга төгөлдөр бүжгийг эхний бөгөөд эцсийн удаа
хийж эргэлдэн эргэлдсээр хөсөр унахдаа Хэзээ ч алга ташилт сонсож
байгаагүй гэж үү... сэтгэлд д минь харууслын гэгээ татан гуниглан суухад
Хэрээ гуагалсан...Яагаад Ийм уянгатай сонсогдоно вэ...яг л ийм намар
ийм бүлээн навчистай цуг эргэлдэн бүжсээр газар унаж
Браво...Браво...Браво гэж Хэрээ гуагалахыг сүүлчийн удаа сонсоод амирлахсан...
/...шарласан турьгүй навчис хүйтэн салхинд цочин модноос үргэн үймэрч газар унахад намарын Зөнч хэрээ тэднийг тайтгаруулан гуаглахыг сонсов.../
хүйтэн салхи
үймэрсэн навчсыг тайтгаруулж
хэрээ гуаглана...
А. Содхүү
sorrow… One morning, I see that leaves have fallen on the earth. I feel
the grievance … I can not appreciate and bid farewell to them. The
autumn is a space that contains the regret and presentiment to awake;
“How much harder is the sky than the earth?”
… Most perfect figure
and most fashionable colored leaves making a most perfect dance and
turning and turning and falling to earth…
I am sad… Do these leaves never listen to the applause? At that moment a crow is cawing.
Why is this call heard so melodiously?
In the autumn, just like it, I’d like to dance, turn and turn, fall on
the earth. I’d like to listen to the crow’s call “Hurray, Hurray,
Hurray” and to be peaceful.
cold wind . . .
a crow's caw appealing to
flushed leaves
Sodkhuu Altanchuluun
sorrow… One morning, I see that leaves have fallen on the earth. I feel
the grievance … I can not appreciate and bid farewell to them. The
autumn is a space that contains the regret and presentiment to awake;
“How much harder is the sky than the earth?”
… Most perfect figure
and most fashionable colored leaves making a most perfect dance and
turning and turning and falling to earth…
I am sad… Do these leaves never listen to the applause? At that moment a crow is cawing.
Why is this call heard so melodiously?
In the autumn, just like it, I’d like to dance, turn and turn, fall on
the earth. I’d like to listen to the crow’s call “Hurray, Hurray,
Hurray” and to be peaceful.
cold wind . . .
a crow's caw appealing to
flushed leaves
Sodkhuu Altanchuluun
In the autumn, just like it, I’d like to dance, turn and turn, fall on the earth. I’d like to listen to the crow’s call “Hurray, Hurray, Hurray” and to be peaceful.
a crow's caw appealing to
flushed leaves
Sodkhuu Altanchuluun
I like this. It is a very powerful statement. You paint a vivid picture of autumn (one of my favorite times of year). Interesting, the crow's call heard melodiously. This is not a word I usually think of when listening to crows, so perhaps it shows positive feelings on the part of the listener. And of course the end seems hopeful. The speaker wants to dance like the leaves. He is sorrowful at the beginning, but yearns for joy, so the reader is left with the image at the end of a man dancing among dancing leaves. Very nice image, vivid, powerful, uplifting. Good work!!
ReplyDeleteThis one is brilliant Zaya. You are so good at these. Bravo